celebrate t21

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it couldn’t be more true for this stunning, heartfelt collection of imagery and quotes from families around Australia, celebrating Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)

A very special new book is sharing the photos and stories of more than 180 Australians with Down syndrome and their families. It’s a step towards rewriting the narrative within the medical profession when delivering a diagnosis of Down syndrome, and providing those families with immediate support, thanks to Celebrate T21 – an organisation based in Wollongong.

Designed to inspire, inform, and challenge perceptions of life with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), the book is a collection of gorgeous photos and heartfelt reflections, celebrating Down syndrome and changing the world one chromosome at a time.

It launches with a virtual national campaign, in which schools, businesses, families and individuals are invited to contribute a short video saying: “together we are rewriting the narrative”, to pledge their support in October - which is Down Syndrome Awareness/Acceptance month.


This is the third book released by Celebrate T21, and thanks to the support and fundraising of Celebrate T21 community members, more than 2000 free copies will be distributed to hospitals, medical practitioners, schools, and via Down syndrome Australia and 21 Gifts.

“The idea is that these books will be available to people at the point of a prenatal or postnatal Down syndrome diagnosis. They’re a way to help families feel connected to the amazing community we’ve created, and to see the one common experience of every family with a child with Down syndrome - boundless love,” says Stephanie Rodden, founder of Celebrate T21.

The stunning photography featured throughout is the work of more than 70 photographers around Australia, many of whom have contributed their time free of charge, to create these powerful portraits.

From pregnancy through to adulthood, this new book celebrates every life stage, and includes features on the Celebrate T21 Inspirationals – people with Down syndrome who are achieving inspiring things in various fields – from art, to sport, to cake decorating and professional modelling.

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Celebrate T21 founder Stephanie Rodden established the organisation and produced its first photo book, as a result of her own prenatal Trisomy 21 diagnosis, at which time she felt pressured to terminate, and completely lost when it came to accessing support or connection with other T21 families.

“I had no idea at that point of the incredible community out there, or the wonderful experience and privilege of raising a child with an extra chromosome. My son Lincoln is now four, and he brings so much joy and love to our family every day. This book has been created to celebrate the people in this community, and to provide support and comfort to people at the point of diagnosis,” says Stephanie.

Julie Fisher is mum to Darcy (aged 15), who features in the new book, and the author of An Unexpected Journey, and her soon to be released second book, The Magic of Inclusion.


“My son Darcy is really proud to be an Ambassador for Celebrate T21, and this new book is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our gorgeous kids and their capabilities. There’s still a stigma out there, where people are misinformed about Down syndrome and what it means. This book is helping rewrite the narrative, and a big step along the path towards a more inclusive society,” says Julie.

Celebrate T21 hopes to create a new photo book every two years, to ensure new families are given the opportunity to participate and be celebrated, and to keep sharing these stories to change the world, one chromosome at a time.

Once a child is welcomed into the world, Celebrate T21 also gifts new families with a very special gift pack, which includes a copy of the book and a number of other items which are both practical and beautiful. 

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About Celebrate T21

Celebrate T21 is a national social enterprise, based in the Illawarra, running a community service with a simple goal – to educate, empower and advocate for families receiving a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21 (T21).

Receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome can be a lonely and confusing experience. By gifting newly diagnosed families with heartfelt photo books, which celebrate the exceptional joys of having a child with Down syndrome, they offer support and comfort at this overwhelming time.

They are associated with an amazing community of T21 families online, and have an impressive list of ambassadors, representing the diversity within the T21 community. The Celebrate T21 ambassadors are people of all ages and stages – who help advocate and raise awareness through photo and video campaigns, essential fundraising and helping to remove the outdated stigma associated with Down syndrome.

“We dream of a world where no family should feel isolated, unsupported or pressured to terminate based on a Down syndrome diagnosis,” Stephanie Rodden, founder, Celebrate T21.

Find out more at www.celebratet21.com


We dream of a world where no family should feel isolated, unsupported or pressured to terminate based on a Down syndrome diagnosis
— Stephanie Rodden
My son Darcy is really proud to be an Ambassador for Celebrate T21, and this new book is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our gorgeous kids and their capabilities. There’s still a stigma out there, where people are misinformed about Down syndrome and what it means. This book is helping rewrite the narrative, and a big step along the path towards a more inclusive society.
— Julie